“We Need to Invest in Our Children and Young Adults…”
Chicago, IL - On Sunday, January 16, 2011, Sam gave an inspiring thank you message to his church congregation at West Point Missionary Baptist Church as an expression of appreciation for his scholarship award. Sam’s words still echo in the hearts of all who were privileged to experience his message.
Samuel Howell is destined for greatness and an example of how “out of the mouth of babes” comes wisdom. Click "Sam's Message" for more information about Sam and his message to West Point.
SSN’s Community News of Events, Programs and Opportunities...
The goal of our Strategic Solutions Network, Inc. (SSN) Community News web page is to communicate and circulate newsworthy articles regarding nonprofit organizations, social service agencies, and small business entrepreneurs that are contributing towards positive social/economic change in metropolitan and suburban community neighborhoods. If you have good news you would like to share, email your press release to us at solutions@ssncandoit.com.
For more information, visit our website at http://ssncandoit.com/community_news.
We look forward to your visit.
Strategic Solutions Network, Inc.
(By Appointment Only)
1507 E. 53rd Street, #123
Chicago, Illinois 60615
Office Voice Mail: 773-360-5370
Website: http://www.ssncandoit.com/
Email: solutions@ssncandoit.com